Feldrake For Free


An interesting development on the in-game purchases front. Per the linked article, World of Warcraft is now offering a once rare “mount” (in this case a dragon named Feldrake) for free. Previously, players had paid thousands of real-world dollars to obtain Feldrake. There is a whole background about a defunct trading system that was used to get the dragon, but the long of the short of it is now only a few basic steps need to be completed to get Feldrake.

The news has caused some uproar and raises interesting questions about fairness and in-game purchase systems. Why spend money on items like Feldrake if their rarity and the associated prestige could be changed at the whim of the developer? Should people who spent thousands of dollars premised on the scarcity of the item have some recourse?

In game economies are perhaps more fragile than commonly perceived.