The PS5 Has Been Jailbroken

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The PS5 has seemingly been jailbroken. Jailbreaking is a process in which someone reverse engineers closed software allowing them unauthorized access to software, like video games. Once a PS5 is jailbroken the user can no longer access the online features of a game but they are free to download any games on the Playstation Store for free. This particular jailbreak currently only works on PS5’s running firmware 4.03 which was released in October 2021 but may further be expanded to other versions. Many users that jailbroke their PS5s took the opportunity to download the “lost game” P.T. which was released in 2014 and taken off the PS5 store sometime later making it impossible for players to download the game. It remains to be seen whether jailbreakers will expand the jailbreak to other versions of the PS5’s firmware, a prospect I am sure makes Sony quite worried. While jailbreaking your console, to my knowledge, is not itself illegal, there are a lot of IP considerations brought forth by the illegal download of games using the jailbreak method.

One response to “The PS5 Has Been Jailbroken”

  1. Lovneet Aujla

    Hello Amit, interesting post!

    This definitely ties into our discussion regarding mods. However unlike mods, as you rightfully mention, jail-breaking opens a whole new can of worms with respect to intellectual property issues. I first heard of jail-breaking back when the first few iPhones had come out. It must be incredibly difficult to jailbreak a device (i.e. reverse engineer the software), and as a PS5 user myself I wonder what security risks this introduces. Will hackers become more prevalent, will Sony respond and if so, what would the consequences be?