Discord Coming to PlayStation Soon!
Last week we were discussing how developers tend to emphasize their game as The (capital “T”) e-sports title; exclusivity in this context is paramount. We’ve yet to see e-sports develop in the same way traditional sports leagues have (i.e. harmonization of rules, regulations, etc.). However, one thing we did not discuss is the advent of […]
NASCAR Pro Pulls Off Video Game Move
I saw this clip on the weekend and thought it would be a fun thing to share. This past weekend, NASCAR driver Ross Chastain decided to “ride the wall” (please visit the link for a video) on the final corner of the last lap to slingshot himself into 5th and secure one of four positions […]
New Esports Course at Edmonton Public School
https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/new-esports-program-at-vimy-ridge-coaches-kids-to-compete-online-1.6126581 An interesting read I recently came across was regarding the inception of an esports training program at a public school in Edmonton. This is one of the first programs of its kind in the country. Students lucky enough to nab a spot spend their time in class in pursuit of honing their gaming skills. […]
New Tech?
https://gamerant.com/hideo-kojima-new-project-movies-video-games/ Potentially exciting news for the technophiles in the class – according to the linked article, Hideo Kojima (the creator of Death Stranding and Metal Gear) announced that his new video game will be like a “new medium”. Following the theme of convergence of mediums, he apparently stated that the new technology will change both […]
Can’t wait for time to Tick-Tock; need TikTok
One of today’s New York Times articles discussed the decline of some of the top social media apps. What particularly stood out was the quote: “Meta’s cash-cow social media apps — Facebook and Instagram — are in decline, with younger users abandoning them for apps like TikTok.” So what is so great about TikTok? The article […]
Call of Duty’s Code of Conduct
Happy Tuesday Video Game Law Class! I thought I would share this picture from the Modern Warfare 2 Beta as the full game is set to release this Thursday at 9PM. In one of the first classes we were discussing how multiplayer games can be an arena for abusive language and bullying. Call of Duty […]
A New Wave of Advertising
Hi everyone, I can across a few articles that are related to something we talked about last week: https://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/34717938/nhl-debut-digitally-enhanced-dasherboards-virtual-ads-replace-traditional-signage-arena-rink-boards https://www.gamesindustry.biz/video-games-are-the-new-battleground-for-big-brands We touched on how AR and VR present a new way to think about advertising. I certainly have noticed that to be the case when watching NHL games. This year the NHL has introduced virtual […]
Bill 96
While working on a matter involving a Quebec based corporation this past summer, I came across Bill 96. The Bill, adopted in May by Québec’s National Assembly, amends the Charter of the French Language. It will increase requirements for businesses to communicate with employees in French among many other restrictions. While working on the matter […]
40 Series GPUs back in the spotlight: Should we advocate for more dialogue between consumers and developers
I posted a few weeks ago about the launch of Nvidia’s new 40 series graphics cards. The 12gb version of the 4080 was subject to news recently. According to IGN, “Nvidia is ‘unlaunching’ the 12gb 4080 after criticism” (https://www.ign.com/articles/nvidia-is-unlaunching-the-12gb-rtx-4080-after-criticism). Nvidia claims that the card was not named right as ‘having two GPUs with the 4080 […]