Update on Call of Duty’s Code of Conduct
I came across this tweet from a Call of Duty news account. It seems the Code of Conduct is actually carrying some weight after all. Take a look (I’ve redacted the expletives).
Games, A Platform for Social Change?
The Wired has an interesting article that speaks to how games have the “power to create social change” (see: https://www.wired.com/story/games-for-change-google-nonprofit-fun-games-social-good/). The example that Wired gives is King Kingdom which “teaches players about internet safety, like building strong passwords and only interacting with trusted friends online” (see: https://www.wired.com/story/games-for-change-google-nonprofit-fun-games-social-good/). This article pointed me to a non-profit: Games for Change. (image […]
New Game Release (an hour early!): Warzone 2.0
Hey everyone, Not really a substantive post, but a sequel to one of the biggest games of the last few years (Call of Duty: Warzone) just came out today (see: https://kotaku.com/warzone-2-early-launch-release-date-mw2-download-size-1849790962). What is somewhat interesting is that the game came out an hour early. Gamers (including myself) are usually suspect of a big online release […]
Video Game Law Presentation – Lovneet Aujla
Hello class! Please find attached the link to my presentation. I chose to discuss my research topic, corporate social responsibility in the video game context. https://youtu.be/2jp6CKsIcRA Also find attached my Presentation Outline
Call of Duty removing maps due to their similarity with real life places?
Modern Warfare 2 (2022) just released a few weeks ago. Many players are upset that a map (and supposedly another is about to be removed for similar reasons) in the multiplayer was removed due to legal issues. For reference, a map is the virtual battleground that multiplayer matches are played on, typically the game has […]
Discord Coming to PlayStation Soon!
Last week we were discussing how developers tend to emphasize their game as The (capital “T”) e-sports title; exclusivity in this context is paramount. We’ve yet to see e-sports develop in the same way traditional sports leagues have (i.e. harmonization of rules, regulations, etc.). However, one thing we did not discuss is the advent of […]
Call of Duty’s Code of Conduct
Happy Tuesday Video Game Law Class! I thought I would share this picture from the Modern Warfare 2 Beta as the full game is set to release this Thursday at 9PM. In one of the first classes we were discussing how multiplayer games can be an arena for abusive language and bullying. Call of Duty […]
40 Series GPUs back in the spotlight: Should we advocate for more dialogue between consumers and developers
I posted a few weeks ago about the launch of Nvidia’s new 40 series graphics cards. The 12gb version of the 4080 was subject to news recently. According to IGN, “Nvidia is ‘unlaunching’ the 12gb 4080 after criticism” (https://www.ign.com/articles/nvidia-is-unlaunching-the-12gb-rtx-4080-after-criticism). Nvidia claims that the card was not named right as ‘having two GPUs with the 4080 […]
Video games have a therapeutic value?
I found our discussion last week with respect to gamer vulnerabilities fascinating. In line with that, I’ve recently been interested in how the digital world can affect, or eek into the physical. For example, I have a room in my house dedicated solely to gaming and my gaming peripherals. I’ve enabled video games to transform […]
Nvidia’s 40 Series GPUs and NBA 2k: Is Gaming becoming too expensive?
Two years ago was a strange time. We were in a pandemic, I started my first year of law school and Nvidia had just announced their new 30 series graphics cards of which I had the fortunate success of purchasing before the price increase, the supply shortage, and the crypto-mining surge. Nvidia is set to […]