News of the Week; November 25, 2020
GAMES Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Gareth Bale question use of likeness in FIFA Mine, Mine, Mine! Nintendo Neuters The Cool Ways People, Groups Are Using ‘Animal Crossing’ Nintendo axes fan-run Smash tournament over online play mod Nintendo orders cancellation of Smash Bros tournament over mod use: The Big House’s first online competition scrapped due to modified Melee that […]
Video Game Streaming: The Legal Implications of an Emerging Career
Good Morning Everyone! I hope everyone is having a great week, I know the end of term is upon us and everyone is a little stressed so I hope my presentation can be a quick break from everything. My presentation is based on the concept of streaming video games as a career, and how such […]
Class 9B – 11/25/20; Asynchronous Class “Games, Politics & Our Branded Lives” – The Slides (V.1)
Here are the slides from our collaborative class. Have also put the original video below for convenience. Though hopefully the slides can stand on their own a starting point for your own version/feedback/branching narrative… Jon
Class 11 – 11/18/20; Synchronous Presentations “The Cheaters” & “Bandersnatch and Course Themes”
Video and slides from our November 18 class below… Jon
Current Copyright Law … Is It Working?
Hi everyone! Here is my term project on the effectiveness of copyright law – enjoy! Some background: A while back we discussed Jessica Silbey’s book The Eureka Method and her finding that current copyright law does not really reflect how artists work. When reading her book, I found that it focused heavily on artists who […]
News of the Week; November 18, 2020
GAMES Nintendo faces yet another Joy-Con drift lawsuit: An expert analysis noted that the drift is caused by “extensive wear on the pad surface on the interior of the Joy-Con” The dance-off ends: a (partial) resolution to Fortnite’s slurry of copyright lawsuits. Oxford University study finds playing games can positively impact emotional well-being Oxford University […]
Coming Soon on November 18th: A parallel reality you have yet to experience…
Hi everyone, I hope you were able to enjoy your reading break! On Wednesday, I will presenting on Black Mirror: Bandersnatch, the interactive film. Prior to the presentation (if you have the time) kindly watch/ play the film. It can be found on Netflix. Please let me know via teams if you have any access […]
News of the Week; November 11, 2020
GAMES Class action lawsuit accuses EA of changing game difficulty to push loot boxes EA faces yet another class-action lawsuit connected to loot boxes: EA calls claims “baseless,” says they “misrepresent our games” What’s Loot Got to do With It? Judge dismisses Apple’s claim of theft in Epic case: Court says ongoing legal battle should […]
The Cheaters: November 18 Presentation
Hello everyone! On Wednesday, November 18th, Jared Knott and I will be presenting on the scourge of cheating in competitive multiplayer games, and legal responses to those cheaters. The problem of cheating has only gotten worse in the past few years, with most of the largest multiplayer titles having some issue with wallhacks, aimbots, macros, […]
Using the Hivemind of Gamers to Advance Science
Revisiting how video games affect the world, I was brought back to the use of video games by scientists to generate data and data analysis. One of my first personal encounters was Project Discovery in EVE Online. Developed and published by CCP Games, EVE Online is a Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG). CCP Games […]