News of the Week; January 22, 2020
GAMES California claims $10 million gender discrimination settlement lets Riot off lightly Nintendo Wins Battle with Pirates on UK Seas Court Sides With Nintendo Over RomUniverse In Atttempt To Dismiss The Former’s Lawsuit Court overturns $10.1 million verdict against Nintendo in Wii Remote lawsuit Court reverses $10.1 million judgement against Nintendo in Wii patent case […]
News of the Week; January 15, 2020
GAMES Report: China to further regulate online games and streaming to curb addiction China reveals new mental health initiative that may further limit violence in games: “Healthy China 2030” includes crackdown on games considered violent, pornographic, or promoting gambling Japanese prefecture considers restrictions on gaming time for minors: Proposed ordinance in Kagawa Prefecture would limit […]
News of the Week; January 8, 2020
GAMES Nintendo wins injunction against seller of Switch mod, pirated games: Defendent allegedly also sold modded NES Classic with over 800 games Nintendo Responds To RomUniverse’s Lame Argument That First Sale Doctrine Makes The Site Non-Infringing Crytek wants to dismiss its own lawsuit against Star Citizen developers Crytek seeks to dismiss its own Star Citizen lawsuit until […]
News of the Week; January 1, 2020
GAMES Running Man Stars Suing Epic Games for Fortnite Dance Fortnite Lawsuit a Battle Over Jack-o’-Lantern Figures Corinna Kopf Leaving Twitch to Stream Exclusively on Facebook Gaming Blog: Scalable content management with Unity addressables The one video game my kids played all year long How much of a genius-level move was using binary space partitioning […]