Jack Thompson is Never Coming Back
For those not in the know, Jack Thompson is a former lawyer and demagogue who argued that video games directly caused violence. He was eventually disbarred for the unethical actions taken during his anti-gaming crusade. Thompson was around at the same time politicians like Joe Lieberman and Hilary Clinton were arguing for restrictions on the […]
SFU Philosopher’s Cafe on “The Future of Privacy” Nov. 3, 2014 at 7 PM
For anyone interested I am moderating a “Philosopher’s Cafe” tonight at 7:00 PM at the Roundhouse Community Arts and Recreation Centre, 181 Roundhouse Mews, Vancouver B.C. The topic is “The Future of Privacy” and the topic is described as follows: “In the “post-Snowden” digital […]
Video-Blog News of the Week; October 29, 2014
This week I wander (carefully) into tender territory reflecting on possible common denominators IMHO among the #gamergate, Jian Gohmeshi and TWU Law situations. If anyone is interested, the slides from a talk to my Media Law class at the UBC Graduate School of Journalism regarding the Gohmeshi situation can be found here: http://medialaw.journalism.ubc.ca/2014/10/29/class-9-partial-slides-ghomeshi/ Unfortunately, for […]
Week 10 Guest Speaker: Mia Consalvo
Mia Consalvo is one of the leading video-game academics and researchers in the world. She is the Canada Research Chair in Game Studies & Design at the Department of Communication Studies, Concordia University. Her education includes a BA, Communications from Lyndon State College, Vermont; an MA, Communications […]
Remaking the Media: Remaking Democracy
This coming Saturday, 8 November 2014, there is a free talk by Dr. Michael Geist, the Canada Research Chair in Internet and E-commerce Law, at the Vancouver Public Library Central Branch (350 W. Georgia Street), Alice MacKay Room. It is entitled “Remaking the Media: Remaking Democracy”. It goes from 12:00-1:00, and the library warns that […]
Week 9 – 10/29/14: “Controlling Originality” & Jennifer Kelly of Fenwick & West
Thanks to Jennifer for coming to Vancouver and for her awesome presentation. Thanks also to Fenwick & West LLP for supporting that initiative, and the in so doing, the course itself. Full slides and video below. jon