Week 10 Guest Speaker: Mia Consalvo










Mia Consalvo is one of the leading video-game academics and researchers in the world. She is the Canada Research Chair in Game Studies & Design at the Department of Communication Studies, Concordia University. Her education includes a BA, Communications from Lyndon State College, Vermont; an MA, Communications from the University of Washington; and a PhD, Mass Communications from the University of Iowa. she will be joining us this week through remote connection.

Professor Consalvo’s main focus is game studies, with particular interests in players and the culture of gameplay. She is currently working on a book about Japan’s role in the creation of the game industry as well as game culture generally. She is also doing work on social games, sports videogames, and the now defunct casual MMO Faunasphere. Her writings and talks cover a myriad of subjects including: Women and Sports Videogames; Playing with ethics: Digital games and moral dilemmas. She has an excellent page on academia.edu (https://concordia.academia.edu/MiaConsalvo) from which you can see and download various of her writings.

Professor Consalvo will be joining us through a remote connection from Montreal QC.
