Defamation of Anonymous Celebrities
An interesting idea came to me while writing my paper, which I think could be spun off into a topic all it’s own. When considering the problem of online harassment and privacy protection, I began to wonder: could there be a cause of action arising from damage to a reputation that is not linked to […]
Jack Thompson is Never Coming Back
For those not in the know, Jack Thompson is a former lawyer and demagogue who argued that video games directly caused violence. He was eventually disbarred for the unethical actions taken during his anti-gaming crusade. Thompson was around at the same time politicians like Joe Lieberman and Hilary Clinton were arguing for restrictions on the […]
Jane McGonigal, Post-Structuralism, and Speedruns
Before the course started, I had begun reading the book “Reality is Broken” by Jane McGonigal. In this book, McGonigal presents the same four necessary components of a “game” that our guest speaker, Mavis Dixon, gave during her talk today: A goal, rules, a feedback system, and voluntary participation. Both also quote Bernard Suits, who […]