News of the Week; August 27, 2014
GAMES 1. Capcom suing Koei Tecmo 2. Nintendo files copyright claims to have Super Smash Bros. leaks removed 3. Trolls drive Anita Sarkeesian out of her house to prove misogyny doesn’t exist 4. The Porn Viewing Habits of Console Owners 5. Report: Adult women gamers now double the number of under-18 boys 6. Rockstar: Lohan’s GTA suit is “for publicity purposes” 7. Police […]
News of the Week; August 20, 2014
GAMES 1. Nintendo Goes Copyright On Woman Making Pokemon-Inspired Planters 2. Arbiter Orders Bungie to Return Stock to Marty O’Donnell 3. Sony: PS4 success is “important for the shape of the whole industry” 4. Call of Duty’s three-year cycle gives devs “freedom to fail” – Hirshberg 5. Robin Williams and His Longtime Love of Videogames + Robin Williams to be Immortalized […]
News of the Week; August 13, 2014
GAMES 1. SNK Playmore Files Criminal Complaint Against Square Enix 2. Sony faces Killzone: Shadowfall lawsuit over graphics – “Sony’s marketing and on-box representations turned out to be nothing more than fiction” 3. Big Fish accused of “unfair or deceptive” trade practices 4. Codemasters offers refunds for PC port of mobile Colin McRae 5. Kim Kardashian: Hollywood And The Viral […]
Full Indie Summit 2014
Had a blast this morning giving a talk at the Full Indie Summit called “Law-ification”. The basic premise was just as game mechanics have been co-opted and applied well beyond video games, legal issues are becoming a factor in games in unforeseen and sometimes unusual ways. Reviewing the “News of the Week” over the last […]
News of the Week; August 6, 2014
GAMES 1. Artist claims she invented Angry Birds, files complaint seeking compensation 2. Thailand’s military junta bans dictator-simulator Tropico 5: State reportedly worried game “might affect peace and order” in the country. 3. Gearbox responds to Aliens class-action lawsuit, throws Sega under bus: Says dev spent “millions” of its own to finish game, never repaid by Sega. 4. Of […]
The “Evolution of Gaming” & Magnavox v. Mattel
Today marks the start of EVOLUTION, a curated and playable exhibition that highlights the early days of the video-game industry. In the words of the curators (which includes Video Game Law guest speaker Dr. Kimberly Voll): “EVOLUTION brings back the arcade and living-room hits (and misses) of the ’70s and ’80s, while exploring some of the […]