2. Nintendo files copyright claims to have Super Smash Bros. leaks removed
3. Trolls drive Anita Sarkeesian out of her house to prove misogyny doesn’t exist
4. The Porn Viewing Habits of Console Owners
5. Report: Adult women gamers now double the number of under-18 boys
6. Rockstar: Lohan’s GTA suit is “for publicity purposes”
7. Police Called On Game Creator Over Nuclear War Diagrams
8. “We’re very close to having the first death in VR”
9. EA Cracking Down on ‘FIFA 15’ Cheaters
+ EA cracks down on FIFA virtual currency sales
10. Star Wars: Commander Is Slow-Going Unless You Pay Up
11. The dominance of ‘free’ App Store games, as seen in one handy chart
12. Indie devs facing “mass extinction event” – Prince
13. Amazon’s Twitch Acquisition Is Official
+ Google-Twitch deal nixed by antitrust concerns – Report
+ Why Amazon Really Bought Twitch
14. Third of PS4 owners switched from Wii or Xbox
15. Sony’s PlayStation Network Attacked: 9 Questions Answered
19. Two fish are playing Street Fighter II and it is surprisingly entertaining
21. The ’80s Videogames That Built Castles From Words—And Changed My Life
22. Elite: the game that changed the world
23. Videogame Based On Borges Short Story Is In Fact Borgesian
24. The Bootleg Retro Console Culture Of Brazil
26. BC Court Rules on Signing Away Your Reasonable Expectation of Privacy
27. The Two Western Cultures of Privacy: Dignity versus Liberty (James Whitman, Yale Law School)
28. Is Technology Shifting Our Moral Compass?(Video)
29. How to Save the Net: Keep It Open (Vinton Cerf)
30. The Surveillance Engine: How the NSA Built Its Own Secret Google
31. Appeals court knocks out computer bingo patents
32. India makes ‘liking’ blasphemous content illegal
36. Why and How We Must Protect the Right to Film Cops in Ferguson
38. Hackers Unmask Anonymous Posters On Secret, Including App’s Founder
39. The extreme, addictive side of fantasy football
41. Getty Images Sued Over Settlement Demand Letter: ‘Unfair, Deceptive Scheme,’ Copyright Lawyers Claim
42. Should Twitter, Facebook and Google Executives be the Arbiters of What We See and Read? (Glenn Greenwald)
43. A Horrifying Interactive Map of Global Internet Censorship
More female gamers because of candy crush! Should iOs apps be included in stats like this? What makes someone a “real gamer”…?