Course Video & Notes

Week 10 – 11/5/14: “Mass Effect-s” & Mia Consalvo

Thanks to Mia Consalvo for joining us from Montreal for our look at social issues in games. Video and slides below. Unfortunately our lecture capture system treated Mia’s video as if it was a PowerPoint leaving a bit to be desired technically. On the plus side the sound on the video, which is actually the important part, is very good.


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Week 9 – 10/29/14: “Controlling Originality” & Jennifer Kelly of Fenwick & West

Thanks to Jennifer for coming to Vancouver and for her awesome presentation. Thanks also to Fenwick & West LLP  for supporting that initiative, and the in so doing, the course itself. Full slides and video below.



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Week 8 – 10/22/14: “From Wheelbarrows to Holodecks” & Andy Moore

Video and slides without incident. Thanks to Andy Moore for his provocative and thoughtful perspectives.


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Week 7 – 10/15/14: “What’s it all about…EULA?” & Don McGowan

Thanks to Don McGowan of The Pokemon Company for coming up from Seattle and braving a very long wait getting through the tunnel on his way back.

The fears around whether Don was mic’d or no proved somewhat exaggerated, though not completely so. The microphone worked fine through most of Don’s talk but then turned off (batteries died?). Fortunately because of the strength of Don’s voice (he does professional audio work) and the secondary microphone in the room, he is audible throughout – though there will be a point where you might want to turn up your speakers a bit.

Video and slides follow.


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Week 6 – 10/8/14: “Frictions & Fictions: Ten Cases-Ten Clauses-Ten Contexts” & Mavis Dixon

Here are video and slides.


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Week 5 – 10/1/14: “Creators, Consumers and Users” & David Spratley

This weeks slides and videos just in case you really want to hear more about post-structuralism. 😉

Thanks again to Dave Spratley for his talk focussing on trademark law and games.


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Week 4 – 9/24/14: “Right to CreaTE or Rights to the Creation” & Ian Verchere

Here are the videos and my  slides from the fourth class. Unfortunately we had a tech glitch whereby Ian’s slides didn’t make it into the Mediasite lecture capture video.


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Week 3 – 9/17/14: “John Milton Plays Grand Prix Legends” & Roch Ripley

Here are the videos and slides. No big glitches this week – a short lag of a couple of seconds off the top. The good news is that we all stood where we were supposed to (except for Roch’s “drift” at the beginning of his talk 😉


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Week 2 – 9/10/14: “If Picasso had painted a round object…” & Brian Dartnell

Here are slides and video from our second class.  Thanks to Brian Dartnell for giving us a terrific overview of his life as EA’s lawyer at EA.

You may wonder what it is I am (symbolically) looking for in the picture below. Turns out the video of the class is missing – well, not exactly missing…the presets for the camera were aiming at the podium on the side of the room (where you see me below) and not the table at the center of the room where Brian and I spoke from. So, as you will see, the video of this weeks class is composed of the slides and our audio. The effect is actually pretty good – some might say better (for a variety of reasons 😉

Also if you are wondering the difference between the top and bottom videos just have to do with screen size. The top one puts you into the Mediasite page and allows you to then expand the picture to full screen. The one just below that is an embedded version of Mediasite which works great in the browser provided but can’t be expanded. Hope that makes sense.


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Week 1 – 9/3/14: “Introduction”

Here are the slides and most of the video from our first class. Unfortunately the first 18 seconds of audio has somehow disappeared but that is hardly a deal breaker. Will get the Youtube version up as soon as possible. Just a couple of “back-end” challenges.


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