Course Video & Notes

Class 11 – 12/1/17; “Relating Technology, Originality & Identity” + “YouTube ‘Let’s Play’ videos and the Defence of Fair Comment”

Video and PowerPoints from the final class of the year below. We did not follow our usual sequencing, and you will have to turn your speakers way up for the last 2/3’s of the video – but there is sound.


Class 10 – 11/24/17; “Do We Really Need EULA’s?” + “Loot Box Special”

Video & two sets of slides below…


Class 9 – 11/17/17; “News of the Week” + “Highs and Lows of Modern Esports” + “Artificial Intelligence”

Video and Slides below. Sound is not always ideal but a remixed version should be coming our way soon.


Class 8 – 11/10/17; “What’s it all about…EULA?” + “What Can Video Games Teach Us About the Future”

Video and slides below…


Class 7 – 11/3/17; “Cases, Clauses, & Contexts” + “Professional Esports and the Law”

Video & Slides below…


Class 6 – 10/20/17; “Copyright to Contracts: Consumers & Users As Creators & Connectors” + “Realism in Video Games & Digital Branded Integration”

Video and slides below. everything seemed to work this time….


Class 5 – 10/13/17; “Connecting Ourselves: Gamer Vulnerability in Virtual Realities” + “Sex, violence & videogames”

In the website introduction to last weeks video (where my presentation had no audible sound) and slides, I said that “Usually there is one glitch a year”. I distinctly remember wondering whether fate was being tempted in that act. Well, whatever believe, this weeks video had some incomprehensible glitches that are still being investigated technically. The bottom line is that is that more than half of the front end of my talk is missing but at least the big finish is there 😉 Also note that Charlotte Chamberlain’s slides are here too.

Video & slides below.


Class 4 – 10/6/2017; “Right to CreaTE or Rights to the Creation” + “Books, Games, and Virtual Futures”

We had a fluky confluence of events where I forgot to turn on my microphone and the usually reliable back-up desk microphone wasn’t working either. The result is that there is virtually no audio until Rob’s presentation which is clear as a bell. My talk is for lip-readers only I’m afraid. Usually there is one glitch a year. Hopefully this is ours.


Class 3 – 9/29/2017; “John Milton Plays Grand Prix Legends” + Ian Verchere

Slides from Ian and I and video of the whole class below. Please skip over my annoying fiddling around with the microphone between 6:08 and 6:45.


Class 2 – 9/15/17; “If Picasso had painted a round object..”

Video and slides from the class…
