Class 10 – 11.17.21 “Streamers Taken Advantage Of, Loot Boxes & the Metaverse”
Class 9 – 11.3.21; “Personality as Property in Video Games” + “Consumers & Users: Cases, Clauses, & Contexts, Part 2”
Class 8 – 10.27.21; “Consumers & Users: Cases, Clauses, & Contexts, Part 1”

Class 8 – 10.27.21; “Consumers & Users: Cases, Clauses, & Contexts, Part 1”

Slides below. Video to come… Huge thanks to Perry Bahniwal of EA for joining us for the second part of the class. The lecture-capture of that part of the class will not be posted for understandable reasons. Jon

Class 7 – 10.20.21; “Licensing Negotiations for FIFA; + Regulating Video-games”
Class 6 – 10.13.21; “Connecting Ourselves: Gamer Vulnerability in Virtual Realities, Part 2”
Class 5 – 10.6.21; “Connecting Ourselves: Gamer Vulnerabilities in Virtual Realities, Part 1”
Class 4 – 9.29.21; “Right to Create or Rights to the Creation”

Class 4 – 9.29.21; “Right to Create or Rights to the Creation”

Video & slides below. For better or worse (and it can clearly be argued either way 😉 the camera was aimed at the far screen and I’m pretty well out of all the shots. Sound is good though… Jon

Class 3 – 9.22.21; “John Milton Plays Grand Prix Legends”
Class 2 – 9.15.21;  “If Picasso had painted a round object..”

Class 2 – 9.15.21; “If Picasso had painted a round object..”

Second class video and slides below…Have added some slides in answer to one of the questions at the end of class, but will go through that Q&A in our next class as well. Jon

Class 1 – 9.8.21; “Introduction”

Class 1 – 9.8.21; “Introduction”

Slides & video below. Predictably, after 18 months away from Allard’s lecture capture system, I messed up the technical aspects. So there is no audio till about 16 minutes in, and then again no audio at the very end. Will do better next time! Jon