- Can Apple stop you re-downloading a delisted game?
- Call of Duty dev apologizes for fake terrorist “news” Twitter promo: Marketing stunt featured live updates on fictional attack in Singapore.
- Zynga launches gamified ads: Sponsored Play program puts ad games within games, touted as “the next wave in mobile advertising”
- O’Bannon v. NCAA
- Popular FIFA YouTubers Hit By Cyber-Thieves
- Xbox chief: We want to regain trust more than we want to beat Sony
- Bandai Namco pulls plug on Rise of Incarnates
- Brianna Wu: “I see a generation with almost no innovation”
- Faster In The Head: Can Video Games Make Soccer Players Better?
- Riot Games bans G2A esports sponsorship
- How are eSports gamers different?: EEDAR research finds competitive gamers skew male, are younger, more social, more likely to work out than their counterparts
- BBC Three to stream League of Legends World Championship
- ESA butts heads with UN over online harassment report
- Researchers examine placebo effect in video games
- UK government’s Games Prototype Fund launches today
- Cemu, the first working Nintendo Wii U emulator, publicly released
- Canada Caves on Copyright in TPP: Commits to Longer Term, Urge ISPs to Block Content (Michael Geist)
- Once More: The TPP Agreement Is Not A Free Trade Agreement, It’s A Protectionist Anti-Free Trade Agreement
- The Final Leaked TPP Text is All That We Feared (EFF)
- Trans-Pacific Partnership text won’t be available before election
- How the TPP Puts Canadian Privacy at Risk (Michael Geist)
- Why the TPP Creates a Backdoor Copyright Takedown System in Canada (Michael Geist)
- Consideration of fair use before sending a DMCA takedown
- DMCA Considerations Following the “Dancing Baby Case” – Lenz v. Universal Music Corp.
- Chinese Web censorship may have claimed another victim: Apple News – The New York Times says Apple is the latest company to remove features due to local law.
- Here’s why Deadspin is right, and the NFL and Twitter are wrong
- New EU Law Will Tell U.S. What Can Be Said — And Built — On the Internet
- Spies and internet giants are in the same business: surveillance. But we can stop them
- Female technology journalists report abuse is still the name of the game: Women in tech forced to disguise their identity – and even quit the industry – after facing threats online, study finds
- Obama administration won’t seek encryption-backdoor legislation
- In China, Your Credit Score Is Now Affected By Your Political Opinions – And Your Friends’ Political Opinions
- Behind the European Privacy Ruling That’s Confounding Silicon Valley
- Facebook’s Stop and Frisk: How its terrible real name policy put this feminist from India in danger.
- The Murky Ethics of Publishing Data on Russian Servicemen ‘Bombing Syria’
- The Cyber Activists Who Want to Shut Down ISIS: Somewhere in Europe, a man who goes by the name “Mikro” spends his days and nights targeting Islamic State supporters on Twitter.
- Arrest and Prison Time for Journalists and Bloggers over Facebook Posts in Lebanon
- Linkedin “Add Connection” costs them $13 million
- Bell Canada reaches agreement with Competition Bureau over online reviews
- Periscope, Meerkat, HBO and the Live-Stream Dilemma
- Dumbing down your smart TV: California prohibits the use of voice recognition for advertising purposes
- Our double lives: Dark realities behind ‘perfect’ online profiles
- Raiders of the Lost Web: If a Pulitzer-finalist 34-part series of investigative journalism can vanish from the web, anything can.
- The Future of Transparency in the Music Biz — and the World: The trend for more openness is directly related to the rise of the web, and a broader desire for more accountability in general
- The Carrot Or The Stick?: Innovation vs. Anti-Piracy Enforcement
- New patent lawsuits down, driven by drop in East Texas “troll” cases
- Quantifying and Visualizing the Reddit Hivemind
- The Hacking Quandary
- Sports video clips are now ubiquitous on social media. Can the NFL put the genie back in the bottle
- How Has Technology Changed the Concept of Community?: For some, making connections has become easier, but others say that life has become more isolated.
- Are you happy now? The uncertain future of emotion analytics
- Guru denied copyright protection for Bikram yoga sequence of postures
- Moschino sued for misappropriating graffiti
- One Reason You Might Still Be Paying $120 for a TI-89 Calculator: Copyright
- Appeals court hits largest public patent troll with $1.4M fee
- To the Batmobile, let’s go! A review of copyrightable subject matter
- When bands meet brands: the mutual benefits of music partnerships