News of the Week; October 14, 2015


  1. Can Apple stop you re-downloading a delisted game?
  2. Call of Duty dev apologizes for fake terrorist “news” Twitter promo: Marketing stunt featured live updates on fictional attack in Singapore.
  3. Zynga launches gamified ads: Sponsored Play program puts ad games within games, touted as “the next wave in mobile advertising”
  4. O’Bannon v. NCAA
  5. Popular FIFA YouTubers Hit By Cyber-Thieves
  6. Xbox chief: We want to regain trust more than we want to beat Sony
  7. Bandai Namco pulls plug on Rise of Incarnates
  8. Brianna Wu: “I see a generation with almost no innovation”
  9. Faster In The Head: Can Video Games Make Soccer Players Better?
  10. Riot Games bans G2A esports sponsorship
  11. How are eSports gamers different?: EEDAR research finds competitive gamers skew male, are younger, more social, more likely to work out than their counterparts
  12. BBC Three to stream League of Legends World Championship
  13. ESA butts heads with UN over online harassment report
  14. Researchers examine placebo effect in video games
  15. UK government’s Games Prototype Fund launches today
  16. Cemu, the first working Nintendo Wii U emulator, publicly released 


  1. Canada Caves on Copyright in TPP: Commits to Longer Term, Urge ISPs to Block Content (Michael Geist)
  2.  Once More: The TPP Agreement Is Not A Free Trade Agreement, It’s A Protectionist Anti-Free Trade Agreement
  3. The Final Leaked TPP Text is All That We Feared (EFF)
  4. Trans-Pacific Partnership text won’t be available before election
  5. How the TPP Puts Canadian Privacy at Risk (Michael Geist)
  6. Why the TPP Creates a Backdoor Copyright Takedown System in Canada (Michael Geist)
  7. Consideration of fair use before sending a DMCA takedown
  8. DMCA Considerations Following the “Dancing Baby Case” – Lenz v. Universal Music Corp.
  9. Chinese Web censorship may have claimed another victim: Apple News – The New York Times says Apple is the latest company to remove features due to local law.
  10. Here’s why Deadspin is right, and the NFL and Twitter are wrong
  11. New EU Law Will Tell U.S. What Can Be Said — And Built — On the Internet
  12. Spies and internet giants are in the same business: surveillance. But we can stop them
  13. Female technology journalists report abuse is still the name of the game: Women in tech forced to disguise their identity – and even quit the industry – after facing threats online, study finds
  14. Obama administration won’t seek encryption-backdoor legislation
  15. In China, Your Credit Score Is Now Affected By Your Political Opinions – And Your Friends’ Political Opinions
  16. Behind the European Privacy Ruling That’s Confounding Silicon Valley
  17. Facebook’s Stop and Frisk: How its terrible real name policy put this feminist from India in danger.
  18. The Murky Ethics of Publishing Data on Russian Servicemen ‘Bombing Syria’
  19. The Cyber Activists Who Want to Shut Down ISIS: Somewhere in Europe, a man who goes by the name “Mikro” spends his days and nights targeting Islamic State supporters on Twitter.
  20. Arrest and Prison Time for Journalists and Bloggers over Facebook Posts in Lebanon
  21. Linkedin “Add Connection” costs them $13 million
  22. Bell Canada reaches agreement with Competition Bureau over online reviews
  23. Periscope, Meerkat, HBO and the Live-Stream Dilemma
  24. Dumbing down your smart TV: California prohibits the use of voice recognition for advertising purposes
  25. Our double lives: Dark realities behind ‘perfect’ online profiles
  26. Raiders of the Lost Web: If a Pulitzer-finalist 34-part series of investigative journalism can vanish from the web, anything can.
  27. The Future of Transparency in the Music Biz — and the World: The trend for more openness is directly related to the rise of the web, and a broader desire for more accountability in general
  28. The Carrot Or The Stick?: Innovation vs. Anti-Piracy Enforcement
  29. New patent lawsuits down, driven by drop in East Texas “troll” cases
  30. Quantifying and Visualizing the Reddit Hivemind
  31. The Hacking Quandary
  32. Sports video clips are now ubiquitous on social media. Can the NFL put the genie back in the bottle
  33. How Has Technology Changed the Concept of Community?: For some, making connections has become easier, but others say that life has become more isolated.
  34. Are you happy now? The uncertain future of emotion analytics 


  1. Guru denied copyright protection for Bikram yoga sequence of postures
  2. Moschino sued for misappropriating graffiti
  3. One Reason You Might Still Be Paying $120 for a TI-89 Calculator: Copyright
  4. Appeals court hits largest public patent troll with $1.4M fee
  5. To the Batmobile, let’s go! A review of copyrightable subject matter
  6. When bands meet brands: the mutual benefits of music partnerships
