Getting On-line with the VGL website

Here are the instructions for having full privileges on the Video Game Law website. Thanks to Richard Tape of the UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning & Technology for his constant stewardship and support of the technical aspects of this course (and for the basics of the instructions that follow):

1. Please create an account at using your CWL.

2. Once you create an account and sign in at you can click your name in the top right. Half way down the following page will be your WordPress email address.

3. Send me your WordPress email address at or at

4. Then, I will invite you to participate with authoring privileges via your WordPress email address.

If this process doesn’t work or if you don’t have time to fiddle with it, don’t fret. Richard will be joining us in next weeks class with the express purpose of trouble-shooting and getting everyone on-line. Please don’t forget to bring your laptop or “device”.
