1. Company Wants All EA Profits From Nine Sports Games Due To Alleged Patent Infringement
2. ‘DOTA’ Banned in Salawag, Philippines After Fatal Stabbings
3. Valve Bans ‘Counter-Strike’ Pros For Match Fixing
4. Lohan v. Take Two – Reply in Support of Motion to Dismiss.pdf
5. One Week of Harassment on Twitter (Anita Sakeesian)
8. Dragon Age: Inquisition recognized by GLAAD
9. Former RI Secretary of State Fined $18K For 38 Studios Lobbying Case Antics
10. PSN hack settlement process begins
11. Nintendo does not reward risk taking – Adelman
12. Ubisoft Takes Heat for Deactivating Game Keys Over The Weekend
+ Deactivated Ubisoft game keys were bought from EA’s Origin using stolen credit cards
13. Sony is now actually removing features from PlayStation Vita
14. EA holiday quarter exceeds expectations
15. Mobile-only gamers account for 20% of the market – NPD
16. ISIS and gaming: 5 students want to teach about surviving under the militants’ heel
18. Athlete and Hollywood focused talent agency acquires e-Sports group
20. The Psychology of Flow: What Game Design Reveals about the Deliberate Tensions of Great Writing
21. New digital library will preserve video game journalism for future generations
22. Top 10 Internet Law Developments Of 2014
23. 2014: the year in review for Canadian copyright law
26. DRM Destroys Value: Why Years Old, But DRM Free, Devices Sell For Twice The Price Of New Devices
27. The Entire Concept Of Intellectual Property Is Proof That Free Markets Aren’t Perfect
28. 4 Ways Copyright Law Actually Controls Your Whole Digital Life
29. College Claims Copyright On 16th Century Michelangelo Sculpture, Blocks 3D Printing Files
30. The Eureka Myth: How misunderstandings about creativity sustain a flawed copyright system. (Jessica Silbey)
31. It’s all over: Barrett Brown, formerly of Anonymous, sentenced to 63 months
+ US reporter jailed for linking to stolen data
32. Can robots break the law? (Andres Guadamuz)
33. DOJ Pays $134,000 To Settle Case Of DEA Agents Impersonating A Woman On Facebook
34. Your Private Data Isn’t Yours — Maybe It Never Was
35. Pointing the Finger: Who should be held liable when there’s a massive data breach at a big company?
37. Verizon’s Mobile ‘Supercookies’ Seen as Threat to Privacy
38. Netflix’s Viewing Data: How We Know Where You Are in House of Cards
39. Canada Casts Global Surveillance Dragnet Over File Downloads
40. Cops decry Waze traffic app as a “police stalker”
41. China Cracks Down On VPN Services After Censorship System ‘Upgrade’
42. Mass Surveillance Report (Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights)
43. We Need a Manhattan Project for Cyber Security
44. EFF’s Game Plan for Ending Global Mass Surveillance
45. Europe’s data protection laws are changing, are you prepared?
46. Turkish court orders Facebook to censor pages insulting Prophet Muhammed
+ Rather than face ban in Turkey, Facebook blocks “anti-Islamic” pages
49. Coinbase Is Opening The First Regulated Bitcoin Exchange In The U.S.
50. Is the Digital Taxman Headed to Canada? (Michael Geist)
51. Hands-on: Microsoft’s HoloLens is flat-out magical
+ Project HoloLens: Our Exclusive Hands-On With Microsoft’s Holographic Goggles
+ Virtual reality: a new creative medium where the default state is belief
53. Feminist bloggers are not your therapists
54. Fighting Sexism In Silicon Valley
55. Bill Gates on Mobile Banking, Connecting the World and AI
56. This reality show confronts online trolls in real life
58. Back-up brains: The era of digital immortality
63. From Science Fiction to Reality: The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence
64. The Trademark Lawyers For The Seattle Seahawks Have Apparently Lost Their Minds
65. Hockey Player Feels The Streisand Effect After Trying To Defensively Trademark His Nickname
66. Nike sued over Michael Jordan logo
67. We Should All Step Back from Security Journalism: I’ll Go First (Quinn Norton)
68. How Rap Genius and explainer sites are killing music journalism
69. Newsonomics: The U.S. Newspaper industry’s $1.4 Billion Money Hole
70. Bigger than Hollywood: Apple paid $10 billion to developers in calendar 2014.