Creative Commons Team Open Profile

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It  was truly a great honour to very recently be profiled as part of “Team Open” by Creative Commons . There are many reasons why, but most obviously because it has everything to do with the collaborative efforts around modeling the Video Game Law course in an open way. I understand that my inclusion relates almost entirely to initiatives which are due to the contributions and support of so very many students, guest speakers, colleagues, staff and administration at both UBC’s Faculty of Law and  at the Centre for Digital Media, as well as the unflinching efforts of the UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning & Technology.For some perspectives about the open pedagogic design of the course click on:

Finally it is impossible not to be mindful of the incredible contributions to world made Creative Commons as an organization and by its founders including Professor Lawrence Lessig and Aaron Swartz (of blessed memory).  The vision and focus of the rest of Team Open is a humbling reminder of both what is possible and what is left to be done. To read about all of the Team Open click here To read my bio, click here

Don’t forget to donate to creative Commons if you are able.
