Week 13 Guest Speaker: Anoop Desai of Electronic Arts








Anoop Desai will be our final guest speaker for this video game law cohort. Anoop is Director, Business Affairs/Development at Electronic Arts (Canada) Inc. and has been with EA since 2007. Previously he was with Next Level Games and practiced law with Alexander, Holburn, Beaudin & Lang from 2001 to 2005.

At EA Anoop is responsible for distribution and publishing partnerships for digital platforms in established and emerging territories. He has also been pivotal in defining EA’s business strategy and negotiating deals for new and emerging platforms including cloud computing. Anoop’s professional strengths include identifying and evaluating partners, exploring and analyzing various business models, establishing corporate standards and negotiating deals.

Anoop is a lawyer who traverses territories that encompass both business principles and legal issues. As such he has a real perspective on the diversity of ways legal training can be relevant in a creative business environment. He will be talking to us about negotiating video game deals and the industry landscape. As well, Anoop will address the always looming question of how those who want to be part of the video game industry can most effectively pursue their goal.
