Surveillance Technology in the Real World
Had two very recent technology interactions which surprised me and brought some issues of privacy and surveillance into sharper relief. Theory is one thing. Read popular and academic articles on the subject is another. Having what viscerally feels to be an intrusive experiences, even in an admittedly small way, stirs a whole new level of […]
Week 5 Guest Speaker Ian Verchere
Ian Verchere who is co-founder and the Chief Creative of Roadhouse Interactive, a 50-person production and development company shaping the future of mobile, tablet and online games will be our guest next class. Ian will share his views of ongoing dialectic between creators and the law. Ian has a particular gift for illuminating the paradox […]
Week 3 – 9/25/13: “John Milton Plays GPL” & Steve Rechtshaffner
Here is Week 3. Came out pretty well other then my asking for a Kleenex to clean my glasses & the surreal picture within picture within picture effect at the beginning of Steve’s presentation and the evidence of my scrambling to play TV producer and fix that effect. To download the slides just scroll over […]
News of the Week; October 2, 2013
1. E.A. Sports Settles Lawsuit With College Athletes 2. Court Bans Wisc. Teen From Playing Video Games 3. Father Blames Minecraft for Son Bringing Gun to School 4. Settle With Friends? Zynga and Bang With Friends End Trademark Dispute 5. Capitol Hill Focuses On Gun Control, Despite Media’s Fascination With Violent Video Games 6. Researchers express concerns about […]
Introductory Essay – UBC Law Review Special Issue on Digital Media, Video Games, and the Law
Was very privileged to be asked to write an Introductory Essay for the UBC Law Review’s upcoming Special Issue on Digital Media, Video Games, and the Law. With the permission of the Editors you can find it by clicking on the page below: jon
Week 4 Guest Speaker Prof. Greg Lastowka
Our video-conference guest speaker this week is professor Greg Lastowka of Rutgers School of Law. Greg is a pioneer in video game law research and scholarship (such things can be said given how relatively new the field is). Greg will be focussing on the topic of User Generated Content and will be discussing his latest […]
News of the Week; Sept. 25, 2013
1. Game Copiers and Mod Chips – AG Sharpston issues Opinion in Case C-355/12 Nintendo v PC Box + More on modchips: Are they legal in the EU? 2. Fox & Friends Co-Host Elisabeth Hasselbeck: We Need National Registry for Video Games 3. GTA V exceeds $1 billion in only 3 days 4. The Pratfall of Penny Arcade […]
Don’t Touch That Code: Silicon Knights v Epic and Intellectual-Property Rights
In Week 2 of the course we discussed what parts of videogames are actually protected by intellectual property. As Mr. Ripley reminded us, one such part is the code itself. This has interesting implications when the code is not owned by the game’s designer. One of the issues in videogame copyright today is […]
Week 3 Guest Speaker Steve Rechtshaffner
This week’s Discussion hour guest is Steve Rechtschaffner who will be mapping out an overview of the video game industry. Steve is very knowledgeable, visionary and always engaging. From Steve’s Linked In profile: “I’ve been a creative business leader, content creator, marketer and Sr. Executive within innovative driven, fast growth companies in the video game, action […]
News of the Week; September 18, 2013
1. 3DRealms Drops Duke Nukem Forever Lawsuit Against Gearbox, Makes a Public Apology 2. Why the University of Washington Wants Its Surgeons to Play Videogames 3. Fox News Offers Two-Part Feature on the Bad Influence of Violent Video Games 4. Fox & Friends Co-Host Elisabeth Hasselbeck: We Need National Registry for Video Games 5. Manifesto: The 21st Century Will Be […]