Week 4 Guest Speaker Prof. Greg Lastowka


Our video-conference guest speaker this week is professor Greg Lastowka of Rutgers School of Law. Greg is a pioneer in video game law research and scholarship (such things can be said given how relatively new the field is). Greg will be focussing on the topic of  User Generated Content and will be discussing his latest research (see Rutgers–Camden Professor Studies the Effects of Copyright on User-Generated Content).

In preparation for our class please read the following short article authored by Prof. Lastowka: Minecraft, Intellectual Property, and the Future of Copyright

More information about  Greg from his Rutgers homepage:

“Greg Lastowka is a Professor of Law at Rutgers School of Law-Camden and a co-director of the Rutgers Institute for Information Policy & Law.  He teaches in the areas of intellectual property (copyrights, trademarks, and patents), Internet law, and property law.  He is the author of Virtual Justice (Yale University Press 2010), which is available online as a free PDF download offered under a Creative Commons license.

The full text of many of his writings can be found here.  His contact information is available at his faculty web page.

A mind map of my research interests:My-Research-Topics1
