Week 11 – 11/20/13: “Controlling the Controllers” & Sheridan Scott
My slides and video of both presentations below. As always apologies that the capture system has to cut off ten minutes before the class ends so it can be ready to go in advance of the next class. On the positive front looks like the ghost in the machine causing the 20 second audio blackout […]
Isn’t there a right to be ourselves?
“The most desirable thing in the world is freedom to be true to oneself, i.e., Honesty” – Susan Sontag (at 14 years old) Following our two most recent classes, this post on the subject of the overt discrimination against women in games might be helpful in crystallizing some of our discussions. At the very least, […]
Regulatory unbundling coverage @CBC
During our discussion with Sheridan Scott this week, it occurred to me that it might be useful in some way to po st the following clip. Perhaps most appropriate to post in in News of the Week (since it actually made the news last week). The clips broach the issue of consumer choice in two […]
News of the Week; November 20, 2013
1. Judge Certifies Athlete Class Suing the NCAA 2. Right-Of-Publicity Claims And Their Impact On The Gaming Industry 3. PS4 Beating Out Xbox One in ‘Purchase Intent’ 4. PS4 defects are isolated incidents, says Sony 5. Someone In The Vatican Pirated ‘Football Manager 2013’ Creator Alleges 6. Tropes vs Women in Video Games: Ms. Male Character 7. EA, Sony Execs Say […]
Red Cross & simulated war crime poll question
From todays class, the slide with poll question following. Feel free to any additional thoughts by posting a reply… jon
Video Game talk on StarTalk
I just listened to this great talk on StarTalk about video games. It’s a little older, but still really relevant and touched upon many of the things we discuss in class: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNTH2JqrdfA
Week 10 – 11/13/13: “Mass Effect-s” & Dr. Kimberly Voll
Fascinating, provocative and challenging class covering violence and sexism in games, as well as sexism in the games industry. jon
Week 11 Guest Speaker – Sheridan Scott
Joining us this week will be Sheridan Scott who I have had the privilege of knowing from more years then either of us care to reflect on, dating back to appearing before Sheridan when she was CRTC counsel. Sheridan grew up in Vancouver moving to Toronto when she was in High School, then on to […]
Increasing Inclusivity in the Video Game Community 8bits at a Time
With the discussion last week turning to the controversy surrounding misogynistic, and at times also homophobic, transphobic, and racist, elements in the video game community, I became curious as to alternative user-oriented game conventions designed to address such issues. GaymerX, previously GaymerCon, was a convention organized with the idea of creating a safe space for […]
The Easy Difficulty Setting
In class today, on the topic of sexism in videogames, Jon closed with an anecdote about navigating his way out a building with heavy, cumbersome boxes. The unforeseen obstructions that littered his path made what should have been an easy trip into a complicated affair; one that needed to be travelled carefully and with planning. […]