1. Glen Greenwald: Edward Snowden’s Actions Inspired by Video Games and Comic Books
2. Star Citizen reaches $25 million in funding
3. How Forza 5 and the Xbox One use the cloud to drive machine-learning AI
4. Wind Waker, GTA V, and the beauty of the videogame selfie
5. “Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies” Review: Still appealing
6. AT&T Files Patent to Prevent Predators From Interacting With Minors in Gaming Environments
7. Is Bell’s Plan to Monitor and Profile Canadians Legal? By Michael Geist
8. Watchdog Group Sues Canadian Government for Overbroad Domestic Spying Activities
9. Reports that NSA taps into Google and Yahoo data hubs infuriate tech giants
10. Allegation of U.S. Spying on Merkel Puts Obama at Crossroads
+ President Obama Says He Had No Idea His Own NSA Was Spying On Angela Merkel
11. Hands Off Encryption! Say New Amici Briefs in Lavabit Case
12. Graffiti Artists Use Moral Rights to Prevent Building Demolition
13. Faulkner v Sony – a dying past, or a glass half full by Bob Tarantino
15. Data Shows Google’s Robot Cars Are Smoother, Safer Drivers Than You or I
16. And in the “How could we have guessed?” category:
PS4’s $1,840 price in Brazil bad for gamers, says Sony