News of the Week; Sept. 25, 2013


1. Game Copiers and Mod Chips – AG Sharpston issues Opinion in Case C-355/12 Nintendo v PC Box

+ More on modchips: Are they legal in the EU?

2. Fox & Friends Co-Host Elisabeth Hasselbeck: We Need National Registry for Video Games

3. GTA V exceeds $1 billion in only 3 days

4. The Pratfall of Penny Arcade – A Timeline

5. International Conference Meets to Solve In-Game Hate Speech

6. Indie Developer Pulls Game From Ouya After Free the Games Fund Troubles

Ouya overhauls its plan to help game developers after shutting down alleged scams

7. Diablo 3 auction houses are doomed by developer Blizzard

8. Dutch Supreme Court 2012: Virtual Theft Ruling a One-Off or First in a Series? (Journal of Virtual Worlds)

9. Valve Announces SteamOS

10. Myths About Canadian Copyright Law

11. Pandora Wins Court Victory Over Licenses to Stream Music

12. Does copyright law work?

13. Facebook ‘likes’ are protected free speech. I’ll give a thumbs up to that

14. Users Sue LinkedIn Over Harvesting of E-Mail Addresses

15. To protect Canadians’ privacy, telcos must shut the ‘back door’

16. The (Canadian) Privacy Case of the Year?

17. ‘Keep out’ signs can override open internet culture 

18. Apple Touch ID fingerprint tech ‘broken’, hackers say

19. “PRISM” : Europe looks for appropriate remedies

20. In secret, Fisa court contradicted US supreme court on constitutional rights

21. A Proposed Reset Button for Children Online

22. VGL privacy Big Data and Due Process: Toward a Framework to Redress Predictive Privacy Harms by Kate Crawford, Jason Schultz

23. A collection of peer reviewed papers on the topic of Internet Censorship and Control
