Video Game Piracy – Presentation Outline

Video Game Piracy – Presentation Outline

This presentation, delivered by Brandon Potomak, Kai Rogers, Alirod Ameri, and Peter Mate, explores video game piracy from multiple angles, including its evolution, legal implications, industry impact, and future trends. 1. The Evolution of Video Game Piracy Video game piracy has evolved from early disk copying in the 1980s to modern digital distribution methods. 1980s–1990s: […]

Nintendo wins piracy lawsuit against French file-sharing website

Nintendo wins piracy lawsuit against French file-sharing website

After a lengthy legal battle spanning several years, a French court held that file-sharing website is “liable for failing to remove or block access to unauthorized copies of Nintendo games stored on this platform.” In 2021, a court in Paris held that this website was was liable for €935,000 in damages to Nintendo for […]