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Vancouver Island-made game challenges players in brutal post-apocalyptic North

Vancouver Island-made game challenges players in brutal post-apocalyptic North

Vancouver Island-made game challenges players in brutal post-apocalyptic North Inspired by the previous post and by last week’s guest speaker. In addition to helping us become disciplined investors and lose weight (DDR) , video games can also help us obtain the necessary skills to survive the (perhaps) inevitable zombie apocalypse. “You’re tracking your calories […]

Video-Blog News of the Week; September 24, 2014

Video-Blog News of the Week; September 24, 2014

What do the Noriega lawsuit and the 38 Studios debacle have in common? It’s not as bad as you think. jon  

Day Trader Learned Lessons From Games

Day Trader Learned Lessons From Games

“CIS, pronounced sis, means death in classical Japanese. The nickname is a holdover from his gaming days, when he used to crush foes in virtual wrestling rings and online fantasy worlds. ‘Games taught me to think fast and stay calm,’ he said over tea at Tokyo’s Hotel Grand Palace a few days after the SoftBank […]