1. Blizzard wins $7M judgment in World of Warcraft bot lawsuit
2. “The Legal Status of Video Games: Comparative Analysis in National Approaches” by Andy Ramos, Anxo Rodriguez, Tim Meng, Stan Abrams and Laura Lopez (WIPO)
3. Gaming adds $2.3 billion to Canada’s GDP
+ Canada’s Video Game Industry in 2013 (Nordicity Report)
4. British Newspaper Confuses Deus Ex With Real Life
5. Illinois State’s Attorney Pushes for ‘Economic Boycott’ of GTA V
6. Dr. Kimberly Voll on Challenging Gender Stereotypes in Gaming
7. Free will is overrated: the surreal, self-aware joy of ‘The Stanley Parable’
9. Gamers Solve HIV Puzzle in Ten Days
10. Google’s Quantum AI Lab adds quantum physics to Minecraft
11. Oculus working on 4K Rift headset
12. Digital Capital hires Patrick Sweeney as Chief Legal Officer
13. Face value: digging through Google’s clumsy new terms of service
15. Apple v. Samsung: court orders investigation into potential protective order violation by Samsung
16. Opening Pandora’s Box: Copyright and Antitrust
17. Megaupload Raid ‘Destroyed’ (Way) More Than 10,000,000 Legal Files
18. Lavabit Case Shows Why We Need Tech Literate Judges